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Fish Haven, Idaho

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How Big Was That Fish Day


Long ago, in a time long forgotten, a fisherman named Eddie McConkie and his wife were fishing in the Pacific Ocean. They were so excited about the opportunity to catch a big fish that they decided to take a trip to the Pacific Ocean. They spent a week in the Pacific Ocean, and they caught a big fish! The fish was so big that it was almost impossible to see it from the boat. The fisherman and his wife were so happy that they decided to share the fish with their friends. They decided to name the fish "Fish Haven."

In Fish Haven, Idaho, we celebrate the biggest fish ever caught. We celebrate the bravery and devotion of the fisherman and his wife. Out of respect for the biggest fish ever caught, we celebrate by giving the fisherman and his wife a plaque. The plaque reads: "Fish Haven" and is made of gold. The fisherman and his wife are forever grateful for the fish and the plaque. We hope you enjoy the plaque and the fish. We hope you enjoy the Fish Haven. We hope you enjoy the biggest fish ever caught. We hope you enjoy the fisherman and his wife. Welcome to Fish Haven, Idaho!

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